Tuesday, March 13, 2012

People sometimes suck...just sayin'.

I hate being judged. I especially hate being judged by the people who are supposed to be closest to me and who are supposed to love me no matter what. So, I want a tattoo, big deal! "Your body is a temple" yeah? How many temples have you seen with no artwork? "That's what jewelry is for." Jewelry doesn't express all the things a tattoo can. I make jokes about alcohol. So what? I don't care who you are or how you were raised, it is NOT your place to judge me or anyone else. I will not stand here and let anyone tell me that I can't get a tattoo if I want one. Do I have the money right now? No. Do I know exactly what I want? Not yet. Am I going to not get one because someone told me not to? HELL NO! Just because someone says the air isn't safe to breathe, will you stop breathing? No. So why should I not get my tat just cause someone said not to? Exactly. If someone told you that just to belong to a certain group of people you had to jump off a cliff and if you survived you were in, would you jump? I sure as hell wouldn't. So, I'm gonna get me that tattoo, and if it costs me my current boyfriend, well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. If you can't handle me how I am, tats, potty mouth, crazy family and all, then you don't deserve me in your life. I let you in, and I can make you get out.

Me = bad mood = ranting on my blog!

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