Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Day 2: A picture of the person you've been closest to longest.

My brother and I were always pretty close. That's changed since we don't live close to each other anymore, but that's okay. Things change; people change. But he's still the one I've been closest to longest. He's known me since before I was born.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Just a few changes....haha

I've changed my mind about a couple things and thought I'd let anyone who reads this know. I was thinking about getting tattoos, but I've decided not to. There are better things to spend my money on. I'm still just me, but that's all I've ever been really. Just thought i'd drop a line and say I've changed my mind. I tend to do that haha!!

Day one, 31 Day picture challenge

Well, this started on Facebook a year or so go, probably more, and I tried it in March 2011, but I couldn't keep with it. So, I'm doing it on Facebook and here in the hopes that I'll be able to keep up with it. Here goes!

Day One: A picture of yourself and 10 Facts:

1. I am Lynda Ann Wilson
2. I am an Aries, born April 11
3. I love to read
4. I enjoy watching Anime shows and movies
5. I love to learn new things
6. I am going to become an architect/interior designer
7. I am not very good at receiving compliments
8. I can usually see the good in others
9. I'm not always good at seeing the good in me
10. I am a bit nuts. =)
Well, there ya have it. See ya tomorrow! ;)